Automated Astronomical Object Feature Measurer

Automated Astronomical Object Feature Measurer

to know the size (in kilometers or miles) of a sunspot, lunar crater, festoon
on Jupiter, etc. that you see in a photographic image?  My latest software creation called Automated
Astronomical Object Feature Measurer (or AAOFM for short) can quickly and
accurately tell you the answer.  The app is offered free for download.
Designed to run on Windows, Linux and Mac computers.  Note: This is a beta version and I need
feedback concerning any bugs that may exist in the app.  I have installed and run the software
successfully on Windows and Linux computers; therefore, input from Mac users
would be especially appreciated.

Click the image below to go to my website and choose the menu option to the left labeled  Automated Astronomical Object Feature Measurer to go to the appropriate download area.

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