Advanced Technology Needs of the Marshall Space Center

Advanced Technology Needs of the Marshall Space Center

Source: NASA

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Seeks Dual-Use Technology Development Partnerships

NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama has issued a Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) seeking partnerships with U.S. industry, academia, and non-profit organizations to jointly develop technologies that meet the needs of both the partner organizations and MSFC. The CAN, titled “Fiscal Year 2024 Dual Use Technology Development at Marshall Space Flight Center”, aims to identify and support collaborative projects where NASA is developing a technology primarily for its own purposes, but can provide financial or other assistance to partners who are also interested in the technology.


MSFC has been at the forefront of solving complex technical challenges in spaceflight for nearly six decades. The center’s engineers, scientists, and technologists have enabled or enriched almost every aspect of NASA’s ongoing space missions. MSFC plays a vital role in the Artemis program, developing the Space Launch System (SLS), leading the Human Landing System (HLS), delivering hardware for lunar surface missions, and developing life support systems for the crews.

The center’s largest organization, the Engineering Directorate, provides cutting-edge design, test, analysis, and operations support to a diverse suite of NASA space and science missions. MSFC engineers and their external partners are developing advanced technologies and sustainable solutions to benefit NASA, industry, academia, and government.

To achieve the ambitious goals of the Artemis program, create a thriving space infrastructure, and enable future Mars missions, MSFC is combining its legacy of leadership in engineering, propulsion technologies, large integrated space systems, and scientific research with mutually rewarding commercial and international partnerships. These joint endeavors will combine resources, unify space programs and nations around the globe, and create new economic opportunities for all participants.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the CAN is to identify candidate technology partnerships that complement the technology development interests of MSFC, benefitting a wide range of users and ensuring the nation realizes the full economic value and societal benefit of these innovations. The goal is to support collaborative, resource-sharing projects where NASA is developing a technology primarily for its own public purposes, and can provide financial support or other assistance to partners.

MSFC Technology Focus Areas

MSFC is interested in several Technology Focus Areas, which are described below (taken from section A.4 of the CAN):

A.4 MSFC Technology Focus Areas

MSFC’s strategic direction and activities are summed up into the 4 L’s: Launch, Land, Live, and Learn. We will launch cargo and astronauts to the Moon and beyond with advanced space transportation technology and return the first soil samples from another planet. We will land and live on the Moon, developing new technologies that will enable our exploration of Mars. We will learn how to best protect our home planet, how to better understand our Sun and Solar System, and how to begin to decipher the myriad mysteries of our ever-changing universe.

In order to achieve these goals MSFC has several Technology Focus Areas including Advanced Space Transportation Systems, Habitation Systems, In-Space & Surface Mission Operations, Lander Systems, Science, Space Launch System (SLS), and Surface Technologies & Systems. The following sections describe the technology development activities necessary for MSFC to achieve its goals. Most of the technologies fall within specific focus areas; however, there is also a section devoted to cross-cutting technologies that directly support multiple focus areas.

A.4.1 Advanced Space Transportation Systems

Advanced Space Transportation Systems applies to crewed and uncrewed space vehicles involved with orbital maneuvers and traveling between planetary destinations as well as their associated subsystems. Technologies supporting this focus area would directly support vehicles such as Mars Transit Vehicle, Propellant Depots / Tankers, In-Space Tugs / Transfer Stages, or spacecraft buses.

A.4.1.1 In-Space Transportation Systems

In-Space Transportation Systems encompasses technology development and modeling of vehicle subsystems such as Avionics & Communications, Guidance Navigation & Control, Thermal Management, etc. Example technologies in this area include but are not limited to:

Radiation hardened high end electronics for deep space environments

High data transfer rate through deep space communications systems

Unsettled propellant mass gauging including hypergolics, cryogens and xenon as well as pressurant gasses such as helium

Unsettled propellant and pressurant gas transfer including cryogens, xenon, and hypergolic propellants

A.4.1.2 In-Space Propulsion Systems

In-Space Propulsion Systems encompasses the development of hardware and modelling related to thrust generation, propellant storage, and propellant acquisition for space transport vehicles. MSFC is actively investing in several areas of propulsion such as chemical, nuclear, propellant-less systems, integrated CubeSat propulsion systems as well as associated components and hardware. Since chemical propulsion also applies to Lander Systems it is in Cross-Cutting Technologies, see section A.4.8.1 Advanced Chemical Propulsion.

A. Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP)

Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) encompasses hardware development and modeling of nuclear reactors optimized for heat generation on a spacecraft, radiation and neutron shielding as well as heat rejection. Example technologies needed for NTP include but are not limited to:

Comparable reactor structural materials / hydrogen compatible

Fuels (>900 sec) ISP


1000k Capable Metal Hydride

Processes for producing high temperature materials containing fissile material

A. Propellant-less Propulsion Systems

Propellant-less propulsion systems encompass hardware development, testing, and modeling of Solar Sails and Electrostatic Solar Wind Sails (E-Sails) that generate thrust from the space environment. Example technologies needed for propellant-less propulsion systems include but are not limited to:

Deployment mechanisms and systems for solar sails and km scale tethers

Scalable plasma testing techniques

Design of high voltage switching and transient suppression for tethers

Solar Sail or km scale tether dynamics, GN&C, thrust and torque control analysis, and modeling techniques after sail or tether deployment

Embedded and scalable sail technologies for attitude control, power generation, and lightweight communications with robustness to different sail attitudes

A.4.2 Habitation Systems

Habitation Systems is a broad focus area that encompasses the development of all systems needed to support a human crew in a pressurized environment for the duration of a space mission. Habitats (and supporting habitation systems) may be deployed in an orbit or on a planetary surface (Moon or Mars). Habitation can also provide a means for crew to transit through space between destinations. Sub-areas of habitation systems include Crew Health and Performance (CHP), Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS), Human Factors Engineering, Habitat Outfitting, and features supporting minimal functionality loss after periods of dormancy. Special considerations also need to be made regarding the operating environment, as different habitats will be operating in microgravity, Lunar gravity, and Mars gravity with habitat atmospheres ranging from 8.2 psi to 14.7 psi. Specific focus areas of interest for technology development are detailed below. See section A.4.8 Cross-Cutting Technologies for more details about Advanced Materials, Structures & Manufacturing, Autonomous Systems & Robotics, Dust Mitigation, and Power & Energy Systems.

A.4.2.1 Environmental Control and Life-Support Systems (ECLSS)

ECLSS encompasses all hardware development, modeling, and testing related to the various subsystems that make up the ECLSS architecture, including environmental monitoring, pressure control systems, temperature & humidity control systems, atmosphere revitalization systems (including O2 generation and CO2 removal), waste management systems, and water recovery. Example ECLSS technologies include but are not limited to:

Biomimetics, advanced electrocatalysts or microwave generation for CO2 removal, oxygen recovery / generation, and air or water filtration and purification

Sorbent materials for CO2 removal and trace contaminant control that demonstrate benefits in heat transfer, separation efficiency, and durability when compared to packed bed sorbents

Novel form factors

Advanced manufacturing methods

Novel cabin particle filtration, such as ionic liquids processes, that demonstrate high throughput filtration and separation capable of handling surface dust

Processes to remove Dimethylsilanediol (DMSD) and dimethyl sulfone from wastewater that exceed the state-of-the-art multifiltration (MF) technology used aboard the ISS

Crew safe materials or processes to prevent or mitigate microbial growth in water and on surfaces

A.4.2.2 Habitat Elements, Systems & Outfitting

Habitat Elements, Systems & Outfitting is a broad area which encompasses technology development, modeling, and simulation related to constructed habitats and habitat outfitting. Outfitting means transforming a habitat, shelter, landing pad, etc. into a functional structure through integration of components or subsystems that were not included in the original structure; examples include pressure vessel penetration management of pipes, electrical conduits, hatches, or windows into tanks, habitats, etc. or furnishings (workbenches, tables, chairs, etc.). Habitat outfitting is a larger and more complex task for habitats which: a) are constructed on the surface of a planetary body using local resources or b) inflatable softgoods habitats which are launched in a deflated state and outfitted at the point of use. Example technologies for this focus area include but are not limited to:

Construction technologies for external habitat structures and surface infrastructure

Technologies and processes for internal outfitting, including inflatable habitats

Includes on-demand manufacturing to support outfitting

Internal deployable structures

Commodity tracking and distribution including transfer, distribution, and management of fluids, propellants, power, and communication

Radiation mitigation and protection systems and Galactic Cosmic Radiation protection

Long term instrumentation and monitoring of habitat structures and systems for both crewed and uncrewed scenarios

A.4.3 In-Space & Surface Payload & Mission Operations

Marshall Space Flight Center is the leader in conducting end-to-end mission operations for science payloads in Low Earth Orbit, in cislunar space, on the Lunar surface and beyond. This focus area encompasses all aspects of payload and mission operations including ground systems, mission execution & training, and science utilization. Example technologies that fall into this focus area include but are not limited to:

Control Center of Tomorrow technologies and concepts capable of autonomous mission operations and engineering support including distributed ground systems architectures

Intelligent Agent Systems that perform operation functions such as automated generation of mission operations sequencing or software capable of managing multiple missions

Training systems such as Virtual, Augmented, or Mixed Reality to optimize development of autonomous utilization, science, and associated accommodations

Modulated approach to simulation / emulation of integrated spacecraft subsystems and orbital environment used for Plan, Train and Fly concepts

Learning Management System (LMS) that will provide low-cost high-quality training across a variety of mission support needs

A.4.4 Lander Systems

Lander Systems applies to all manner of crewed and uncrewed landers as well as ascent vehicles. It includes technology development, processes, procedures, or modelling related to crewed and cargo variants of Lunar and Mars ascent and descent vehicles. For more information on Advanced Chemical Propulsion or Autonomous Systems & Robotics see section A.4.8 Cross-Cutting Technologies. Technologies that fall into this focus area include but are not limited to:

Navigation Technologies for lander accuracy and hazard avoidance

Reusable landing systems

Aerodynamic and aerothermal control systems

De-orbit, precision landing, automated rendezvous and capture, and proximity operations

A.4.5 Science

Marshall Space Flight Center advances ground-breaking scientific discoveries that improve our understanding of Earth, the solar system, and the universe, while enabling the next generation of human exploration missions through developmental research. Science is a broad technology focus area that encompasses several areas of science and the development of advanced sensors and instrumentation.

A.4.5.1 Astrophysics

Astrophysics encompasses the area of astronomy related to energetic events, such as gamma ray bursts, with energies ranging from the Far UV to keV X-rays. Example technologies in this focus area include but are not limited to:

X-ray optics with low mass, high angular resolution, good Quantum Efficiency, low-noise, fast readout, photon counting ability, vacuum compatible

Gamma-ray detector technology (includes novel scintillators and active detectors)

Detector technology development to support gravitational wave detections

Optical coatings (low-stress Infra-red (IR) coatings, stress-compensation, multilayers)

Passive and active shielding schemes for ISS and free-flyer payloads

Ultra-smooth mirrors and ultra-lightweight aerogel mirrors

Optical sensors and elements including multi-spectral gratings, opto-mechanical elements and tolerancing, sub-arc second optics

Advanced neutron detection techniques: Capability for detecting a broader range of energies: Thermal to 100 MeV (current capability is 20 MeV )

Telescope/Instrument Design, Fabrication, Error Budgeting, and Performance Modeling and Characterization.

A.4.5.2 Data & Applications Science

Cross-cutting technologies within Data Science can benefit all technology focus areas. Example technologies in this focus area include but are not limited to:

Advanced data processing and analysis algorithms for data fusion and compression

Instrument/Measurement data processing (algorithms, coding, archive)

AI/ML for data processing, pattern detection, and categorization

Data tagging and process automation on large data files in the terabyte range.

Data mining, analysis and forecasting tools and models to support R- to-A, and A-to-R

A.4.5.3 Earth Science

Earth Science encompasses all areas related to the study of our home world including surface mapping, atmosphere and weather studies, and magnetosphere studies. Example technologies in this focus area include but are not limited to:

High resolution multispectral thermal imagery of surface energy balance and urban heat islands

Observations of surface features in 400-2500 nm range for land cover mapping and monitoring disaster detection and response

Electronically scanned antenna systems for atmospheric and surface remote sensing

Wide Field of View ultra-narrow bandpass filters in Ultra-Violet (UV) to near infrared regions

Lightweight thermal and optical sensors for airborne or CubeSat platforms

A.4.5.4 Heliophysics

Heliophysics encompasses all areas related to the study of our sun including solar coronal heating, the generation and behavior of solar magnetic fields, solar flares and activity, and the solar wind & space weather. Example Heliophysics related technologies include but are not limited to:

Pointing mechanisms to maintain solar tracking with drift less than 10 arcseconds over 60 minutes

Components of science-quality low-noise digital cameras that are radiation tolerant or radiation hardened. Components include:

CCD or CMOS sensors with pixel sizes <5 microns, suitable for operation in vacuum, and efficient for EUV or Soft X-ray Research (SXR) detection

Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and analog chain components

Instrumentation to measure core inner magnetospheric plasma and ionospheric irregularities, instabilities, and initiators

Optics and spectro-polarimetry for Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV), Far Ultraviolet (FUV), or X-rays

Radio science instrumentation and sensors

Optical sensors and elements including multi-spectral gratings, opto-mechanical elements and tolerancing, sub-arc second optics

Passive microwave remote sensor components that include low-noise multi-frequency antennas, on board signal processing, and geophysical variable retrieval algorithms

A.4.5.5 Planetary Science

Planetary Science encompasses the study of other planets, moons, and asteroids such as the Moon and Mars. Technologies related to Planetary Science include but are not limited to:

Geophysical and geochemical measurements of planetary surfaces and interiors such as neutron detection, electron microscopy, x-ray spectrometry, LiDAR, and seismometry

Characterization of properties and processes of regolith and dust on the Moon and Mars

Advanced remote sensing technologies for studying the Moon, planets, or small bodies, which enable improved understanding of surface composition or geomorphology

Thermal solutions for long-lived survival of instruments through the lunar night

A.4.6 Space Launch System / Exploration Production & Operations Contract (SLS/EPOC)

Marshall Space Flight Center manages the Space Launch System, an integrated super heavy lift launch platform enabling a new era of science and human exploration beyond Earth orbit. This focus area encompasses technologies, processes, procedures, or modelling related to terrestrially based launch vehicles and ground support equipment. Technology development activities in this focus area include cross program vehicle & mission analysis, exploration class launch vehicle usage, and launch vehicle to expand Moon to Mars Architecture.

A.4.7 Surface Technologies & Systems

Marshall Space Flight Center builds innovative solutions through technology development demonstrations and risk reduction activities to enable humans to live and work on the moon and Mars.

A.4.7.1 Extreme Environments

Extreme Environments encompasses technologies related to the survival of crewed and robotic systems in all environments on the Lunar and Martian Surfaces such as permanently shadowed regions (PSRs), high radiation environments, and extremely cold nights. Technologies in this focus area will enable vehicles and systems to operate or survive in these environments.

A.4.7.2 In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU)

In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) encompasses all technologies and processes related to gathering extraterrestrial resources and processing them into useable building materials, industrial gases, propellants, potable water, etc. In addition to the technology development considerations need to be made for how scalable the processes are. Example ISRU related technologies include but are not limited to:

Instrumentation for geotechnical data acquisition for resource prospecting

Excavation techniques for regolith, mineral, or ice deposits in the Lunar, Mars, or asteroid environments

Extraction techniques, such as ionic liquids, molten regolith electrolysis, carbothermal reduction, etc., to separate desired elements or compounds from regolith, rock, ice, or atmosphere

Processing techniques, such as smelting or alloying, to turn raw metallic ore or lunar regolith into useable stock or refinement techniques to ensure purity of water or propellants

Biological processes and technologies to extract, process, or refine commodities such as water, propellants, feedstocks, etc. from in-situ resources

In-situ measurements and validation & verification for process monitoring and closed loop control

A.4.7.3 In-Space Assembly & Manufacturing (ISAM)

In-Space Assembly & Manufacturing (ISAM) is a broad technology focus area that encompasses all technologies and processes related to manufacturing, assembling, and maintaining parts, components, spacecraft or structures in orbit or on planetary surfaces. In addition to the technology development considerations need to be made for how scalable the processes are as well as designing new spacecraft systems to be maintainable. Example technologies include but are not limited to:

On-demand manufacturing of spare parts, replacement units, and specialty tools

Autonomous construction and manufacturing technologies for Lunar surface applications

Assembly of large on-orbit structures and platforms including:

Welding, bonding, and mechanical joining

Spacecraft GN&C during assembly

Berthing, docking, grappling mechanisms, and positioning sensing accuracy

Assessments of the impact of 15-20-year exposure to in-space and extraterrestrial surface environments on the material, structures, welds, etc.

Biomanufacturing processes and technologies for deep space exploration

A.4.7.4 Surface Mobility

Surface mobility encompasses the technologies and systems related to crewed and robotic rovers including drive train, power systems, and sensors for autonomous or remote operations. Example technologies in this focus area include but are not limited to:

LIDAR or other sensors for science, navigation, surface mapping, and situational awareness

Local Area GPS network or a navigation system that can operate without GPS

Mechanical solutions and robotic end effectors and manipulators to enable mobility

A.4.8 Cross-Cutting Technologies

The following technologies are cross-cutting in that they directly support multiple technology focus areas.

A.4.8.1 Advanced Chemical Propulsion

Advanced chemical propulsion encompasses advances in conventional liquid propulsion systems including hypergolic and cryogenic propellants, solid rocket motors, and hybrid motors. Example technologies needed for advanced chemical propulsion systems include but are not limited to:

Novel rocket engines or propellant combinations for Mars transit vehicle stages, Mars descent or ascent vehicles. Thrust classes between 20-200 kN

Low leak valves and longer lifetime of wetted seats and seals

Pump-fed hypergolic engines including electric pumps and related battery technology

Rotating Detonation Rocket Engines (RDRE)

Materials development, testing, and advanced manufacturing techniques supporting hypersonic propulsion systems

A.4.8.2 Advanced Materials, Structures & Manufacturing (AMSM)

This focus area encompasses advances in materials science and advanced manufacturing methods, processes, technologies, test capabilities, and modeling, including metallics, composites, softgoods, plastics, additive manufacturing, welding, etc. AMSM directly supports several Business Units including Advanced Transportation Systems, Habitation Systems, Lander Systems, and Surface Technologies & Systems. Example technologies that fall into this focus area include but are not limited to:

Inflatable softgoods materials and softgoods/metallics interfaces for space habitats

Modeling and simulation of structural materials for habitation applications

Additive Manufacturing such as Powder Bed Fusion (PBF), Directed Energy Deposition (DED), or other processes for alloys such as: copper, aluminum, nickel, titanium, hydrogen resistant alloys, or refractory alloys or AM of electro-mechanical devices

Additive Manufacturing post-processing and cleaning technologies and processes

Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for manufacturing

Manufacturing of nuclear fuels for nuclear propulsion or power

Insulation material that can withstand launch environments or capable of handling micrometeoroid and orbital debris (MMOD) space environments

A.4.8.3 Autonomous Systems & Robotics (ASR)

Autonomous Systems & Robotics is a broad focus area with applications to several areas including manufacturing, orbital transfer vehicles, planetary exploration systems, and habitation systems. ASR encompasses hardware and software development and testing that enables spacecraft, rover, and subsystems to operate independently with little to no human intervention. ASR directly supports almost every other technology focus area. Example ASR technologies include but are not limited to:

Avionics Modeling and Simulation for System Design and Evaluation

Modeling and simulation of sensors, communications, and situational awareness

Trusted autonomy for inspection, refueling, maintenance, and operations such as rendezvous & docking

Systems that operate in low-light environments and remote areas without GPS and can handle off-nominal conditions, fail to operational mode(s), and enables replanning

Localization, hazard detection, & path planning software for surface rovers and landers

Real-time multi-asset system-of-systems objective replanning and resource management schemes

Verification and validation for embedded Autonomy and AI control methodologies

A.4.8.4 Cryogenic Fluid Management (CFM)

Cryogenic fluid management technologies enable the long-term storage of cryogenic propellants such as liquid hydrogen (LH2), liquid oxygen (LOX, LO2), and liquid methane (LCH4). CFM technologies encompass active cooling (such as with cryocoolers), passive cooling (such as with multi-layer insulation), as well as hardware and modeling related to storing, transferring and conditioning cryogenic fluids. Example CFM technologies include but are not limited to:

Integrated CFM systems and propellant ISRU plants (liquefaction, storage, transfer, etc)

Propellant Management Devices or Liquid Acquisition Devices optimized for cryogens

Low leak cryo-rated valves, cryo-couplers, and related transfer technologies

Active Cooling technologies

Cryocoolers (20K and 90K) and related chilldown of propellant tanks and lines

Thermodynamic Vent Systems (TVS) and vapor cooling systems

Passive Cooling technologies

CFM structural disconnect studies and low conductivity structures

Advanced cryogenic thermal coatings and insulations for hard and soft vacuums

A.4.8.5 Dust Mitigation

Dust mitigation is a cross cutting technology focus area that benefits Habitation Systems and Surface Technologies & Systems technology focus areas. Dust mitigation includes technologies related to the development of dust tolerant materials, mechanisms, and electronic systems as well as technologies, processes, and procedures related to the mitigation of the transfer of Lunar and Martian regolith dust from planetary surfaces into surface and orbital habitats. Example technologies include but are not limited to:

Tribological studies of material interaction with regolith dust

Dust tolerant mechanisms such as: bearings, seals, quick disconnects, etc.

Dust tolerant electronics such as communications and navigation systems

Mitigation of dust build up on systems such as displays, controls, solar arrays, and radiators

A.4.8.6 Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

Model Based Engineering (MBE) involves a variety of digital models. Linking digital models produced by a variety of applications produces digital threads. Digital twins are models that represent a physical object or system. Example technologies for MBSE include but are not limited to:

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) “digital thread” of data from design, analysis, manufacturing, test, operations, and maintenance

Integration of physics and discipline engineering tools across multiple PLMs

MBE-based documentation tools for Risk Management, Configuration and Data Management, System Requirements, Specifications, Interface Requirements, Engineering Release Process, and Interface Control

Demonstration of MBSE capabilities to conduct engineering reviews, such as Preliminary Design Review (PDR), Critical Design Review (CDR), Systems Requirements Review (SRR) etc.

Integrated Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) models into MBSE environments such as Failure Modes and Effects Analysis/Critical Items List (FMEA/CIL)

Natural Language Processing Agents for information retrieval, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, machine learning, and open domain question answering

A.4.8.7 Power & Energy Systems

Power & Energy Systems is a cross-cutting area that encompasses power generation, distribution, and management systems, subsystems, and components. Power & Energy systems are found in spacecraft, habitats, and surface exploration systems and directly support several other technology focus areas including Advanced Space Transportation Systems, Habitation Systems, and Surface Technologies & Systems. Example power related technologies include but are not limited to:

Long Distance (>100 meters) Surface Power Distribution

Power management, storage, and distribution systems such as LiPo batteries, fuel cells, deployable and stowable solar arrays

Novel systems such as electromagnetic energy harvesting, Capacitive or hybrid technologies

Technologies capable of surviving extreme (high and low) thermal environments

Miniaturized low-power subsystems for small satellites

A.4.8.8 Space Domain Awareness

Space Domain Awareness is a technology area that directly benefits every other technology focus area. It encompasses orbital debris tracking and mitigation as well as asset tracking and conjunction analysis. Orbits of interest extend to Lunar, Mars, and Solar orbits in addition to Earth orbits. Example technologies for Space Domain Awareness include but are not limited to:

Scalable tracking of debris (<10cm dia.) from a few to thousands of objects

Object tracking systems with a capability to generate state vectors

Hi-fidelity dynamic star field sim, space weather

Improved monitoring of potential space-based threats such as Near-Earth Objects

Real-time visualization Space Asset Management Database (SAM-D)

Orbital debris mitigation and remediation

A.4.8.9 Testing, Modeling & Simulation

Testing, Modeling & Simulation is a cross-cutting technology focus area that directly supports all of the other focus areas. This focus area encompasses all facets of modeling and simulation of hardware as well as physically testing prototypes. Example technologies include but are not limited to:

Real time strain measurement techniques such as Dynamic Photogrammetry

Materials testing of aerospace metals, composites, and additively manufactured metals in relevant deep space, Lunar, or Mars environments

High temperature and cryogenic testing

Material permeability testing

Standard and non-standard ASTM Testing (Tensile, compression, fracture and fatigue)

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and testing

Impact testing facility for MMOD and plume-surface interaction

Non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of high atomic number elements/alloys where x-ray NDE methods are not practical

Verification instruments and techniques for structures constructed from Lunar or Mars regolith


The Fiscal Year 2024 Dual Use Technology Development CAN represents an opportunity for U.S. industry, academia, and non-profit organizations to partner with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in developing technologies that meet both partner and NASA needs. By combining resources and expertise, these partnerships have the potential to advance the state-of-the-art in space technologies, create new economic opportunities, and help NASA achieve its ambitious goals for exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond.


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