Earth is constantly being hammered by charged particles emitted by the Sun that have enough […]
Satellites more at risk from fast solar wind than a major space storm
Satellites are more likely to be at risk from high-speed solar wind than a major […]
Astronomers find first compelling evidence for a moon outside our solar system
A pair of Columbia University astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and Kepler Space Telescope […]
The lonely giant: Milky Way-sized galaxy lacking galactic neighbors
Long ago in a galaxy far, far away, fewer galaxies were born than expected — […]
River levels tracked from space
Water levels in the Mekong basin, which extends through six countries in South-East Asia, are […]
Tiny Neptune moon spotted by Hubble may have broken from larger moon
After several years of analysis, a team of planetary scientists using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope […]
Measuring impact of drought on groundwater resources from space
A team of ASU scientists has been using the latest space technology, combined with ground […]
New model accurately predicts harmful space weather
A new, first-of-its-kind space weather model reliably predicts space storms of high-energy particles that are […]
Auroral ‘speed bumps’ are more complicated, scientists find
Researchers at the University of New Hampshire Space Science Center find that “speed bumps” in […]
How icy outer solar system satellites may have formed
Using sophisticated computer simulations and observations, a team led by researchers from the Earth-Life Science […]