From 20th July 1969 to 2020 , it’s been 51 years since the mankind has set the first steps on moon but still we have never got rid of these –

It’s important to question Everything..but still it’s important to not form any preconceived notions about your ignorance and accept the facts which have logical proofs. The idea about conspiracy started with Bill Kaysing , who worked as a technical writer for NASA Apollo Mission – published a book – We never went to the moon : America’s 30 billion dollar swindle  and claimed that he has got some inside knowledge of conspiracy. It gained immense popularity since then , because  media was heavily earning from this issue and why not the questions raised are really some good ones and worth an explanation . But the problem occurs when the concept is promoted  in such a way that people don’t feel any need to check facts or reasoning and are dragged in the camp of ” non – believers ” Here , lets debunk some of the most popular misconceptions that have become conspiracies now:#1. Sun is the source of light for moon so why there are different angles for shadows ?Are Studio lights the reason ?Explanation – Sun is the dominant but not the only source of light available . Surface of moon is also a reflector as well as uneven – shallow bumps are hard to notice  . Moreover , earth also shines light on moon – called Earthshine. Thus , sun isn’t the only source available for light so , shadows are at different angles .#2. Flag is waving on lunar surface even when it has no atmosphereExplanation- NASA was well aware of the fact that there is no air on moon , so the flag that they constructed had horizontal rods in it . By the time we were on the moon , some serious ripples were there on fabric giving it a bent shape . Moreover , the flag appears to move only when the Astronauts touched it ( momentum conservation ) , so it was not because of wind .#3. The most popular one – Why there are no stars? Just because it will be easy to locate the position and timing with stars so studio director avoided  that ?Explanation – Obviously , no. There are no stars due to the exposure  . Exposure time is the length of time for which the camera’s shutter is open when taking a photograph. If you want to catch each and every star in the background , the exposure would have to arranged ,  in such a way that it will result in  this kind of photograph. Obviously , you don’t want that, so the prime Focus was on clicking pic of astronaut not the stars .  This is a four-second exposure taken from the flight deck of the shuttle EndeavourMoreover , try to clicking your pic in night sky , notice no stars will be visible ,  only blackness( with some city lights maybe ) , this is the same thing that happened when we clicked photograph on moon So yeah , issue resolved. #4. This image was taken by Neil Armstrong when Buzz Aldrin was stepping out of Eagle . It clearly shows that the sun is in the opposite side and the astronaut is in shadow , so how is he so brightly visible ? Shouldn’t he appear dark ?Explanation  – The astronaut is bright because :1. Moon’s surface is reflective as explained above And the astronaut is “soo” bright because – Neil Armstrong is clicking the pic and the spacesuit made up of Teflon has 90 % reflective properties , so he himself is like a bright source of light . We have  got all of this tried in a  simulator and the results are the exact same as they were in official  moon landing photographs#5 How did the astronauts survive radiation from Van Allen belt ? 

Explanation – Let’s first understand what Van Allen Belt is – it is a torus of the charged plasma ( soup of Charged particles )around earth trapped by the earth’s magnetic field . It has two layers with the inner one being well defined , so easy to avoid . The outer one is very large and hard to avoid , but we can find relatively less denser regions. Apollo astronauts were exposed to the radiation , but for a relatively shorter amount of time and through a relatively less dense region -similar to getting two CT scans of your head , so not too bad .#6 Crosshairs etched into the cameras are visible in the Apollo photos; however, in some images these aren’t visible ? How’s that possible?Explanation- Try photographing a very bright surface, and you will yourself see the crosshairs disappear. those bright objects bleed brightness , saturating the film and obligating the cross hairs . So , yes it’s possible.#9 The powerful engine of lunar module should have produced a blast crater yet it is nowhere to be seen .Explanation- Yes , the engine was indeed very powerful  , landing on earth would have made a lot of hoo-haah on earth due to different rocks and stronger gravity. but on moon , the thrust was lowered down to mere 3000 lbs before landing on lunar surface. The Moon’s surface is covered with a rocky material called lunar regolith, that has a unique property that the particles are very jagged, which causes them to interlock. When subjected to pressure, the regolith will resist, almost like solid rock.The exhaust stream was not powerful or centralized enough to displace the regolith and blast out a crater. The first moon landing by Neil Armstrong has been registered to be one of the softest moon landing with a  0.54 m/s velocity.#8 Still I don’t believe that moon landing happened Explanation – For you first I have some evidences , cuz till now I have debunked assumptions only and maybe visible  evidences can convince you more strong.• Apollo astronauts brought sample of moon rock back to earth and the rock with this particular composition is nowhere to be found anywhere on Earth. Tests have shown that the lunar meteorites match exactly with the rock samples from moon , except from the features that distinguish them from meteorites. •The most solid proof is here – American flag isn’t the only thing that astronauts carried on moon . We also have ‘Laser Retro – Reflector’ – these are a series of corner cube reflectors which have a special property of reflecting the light in the direction where it came from . They are still working today :)•Some Logical Proofs – If it would have been so easy to build a special Hollywood set for moon landing , The Soviet Union ( Russia now ) – the major competitor of would have never accepted this and might have staged Mars landing in response.400 thousand people have worked on this program ,  so many missions have been there before to make the landing happen . With so many people reporting to the mission constantly , maybe reporting everyday , why it is that no one has spilled tea so far .600 million people watched the launch , that includes so many people at the launch site watching live. The rocket did launch and there is no place to where it did go except space .Those pictures have all the smallest details in them and getting these perfectly would have been much easier by going on moon than filming in any Hollywood set .With so many fallacies explained ,  I guess the conspiracy theories have finally been debunked.

Still if there are things left to be explained , try to do some search , instead of jumping right to conclusion. 20 July 1969 , indeed marks “One small step for man , one giant leap for mankind “. COPYRIGHTED IMAGES CREDIT – NASA

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