Mike Wong invited me to be a co-author on his excellent paper in ApJ Supplement, which describes the Hubble and Gemini support programmes for the Juno mission:Wong, M.H., A.A. Simon, J.W. Tollefson, I. de Pater, M. Barnett, A.I. Hsu, A.W. Stephens, G.S. Orton, S.W. Fleming, C. Goullaud, W. Januszewski, A. Roman, G.L. Bjoraker, S.K. Atreya, A. Adriani, L.N. Fletcher (2020), High-resolution UV/optical/IR imaging of Jupiter in 2016-2019, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Series, 247, 58 (25 pp.) (http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/1538-4365/ab775f)
Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA M.H. Wong (UC Berkeley) and team Acknowledgments: Mahdi Zamani.
Images from both facilities were released to the public and created quite a splash, with the Gemini “lucky imaging” at 5 microns even making the BBC website. Here is a collection of the media releases:Hubble Space TelescopeGemini ObservatoryBerkeleyThe full dataset is also available via open access on the MAST archive.
Combined data from the Juno spacecraft, the Hubble Space Telescope and the Gemini Observatory reveal a special cloud structure near a massive cluster of lightning flashes: a three-way combination of deep clouds made of water, large convective towers — essentially Jovian cumulonimbus — and clear regions with downwelling, drier air outside the convective towers. (Image courtesy of NASA, ESA, S. Brown of JPL, M.H. Wong of UC Berkeley and A. James and M. Carruthers of STScI)