Deep H-alpha image of the Prawn nebula (IC 4628) in Scorpius obtained from my backyard, 15 km from Sydney’s city centre.
This image combines:
56 x 900s (14h) frames with the H-alpha Baader 3.5nm ultra-narrow filter (red channel and luminosity layer).25 x 60s (25 min) frames with the OPTOLONG L-Pro filter (green channel)14 x 30s (7 min) ZWO B filter (blue channel).
Total integration time: 14h 32 min.
The data were taken on the nights of 24th, 25th, 28th, 29th and 30th August and 7th and 12th September 2020.
Telescope: Skywatcher Black Diamond 80, f=600mm, with an Orion x0.8 focal reducer (effective focal length 480 mm, f/6).
I used the ZWO ASIAir to control the camera, filter wheel, the mount (Skywatcher AZ-EQ6) and the guiding system (ASI120MM + Orion 50mm finderscope).
Equipment: ZWO ASI1600MM Pro cooled at -30 C. I used the ZWO ASIAir to control the camera, the mount (Skywatcher AZ-EQ6) and the guiding system (ASI120MM + Orion 50mm finderscope). The filters were manually changed using the ZWO filter drawer.
The data have been processed with SIRIL, then converted into TIF using Fits Liberator using a logarithmic stretch, and finally combined in Photoshop to get the colours and the final details.
Processing: Data processed with Siril software. Darks, flats and biases were used. FITS converted on TIFF using NASA’s Fits Liberator considering a logarithmic function. Color / saturation / levels / contrast / smart sharpen with Photoshop.
Credit: Ángel R. López-Sánchez (AAO-MQ).
Full resolution image in my Flickr.