Virtual and Augmented Reality for Space Science and Exploration

Virtual and Augmented Reality for Space Science and Exploration

This is the title of a Symposium held at the Keck Institute for Space Studies on January 30 2018 in Pasadena.  According to the website, the goals of the meeting were: “The emerging technologies of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) are promising to change dramatically the ways in which we perceive information and interact with it. VR/AR offer a natural, intuitive, and highly effective way for a collaborative data visualization and visual exploration. We will focus on two areas of space science and exploration where these technologies can have a major impact: mission planning and operations, and data visualization of high-dimensionality abstract data spaces.”
There were nine presentations in all, covering topics such as Visual Analytics by Demonstration for Interactive and Immersive Data Analysis (Alex Endert), Virtual Mars (P. Abercrombie), and Immersive Analytics Beyond Visualization (D. Bowman). There were also three panel discussions: Data Visualization in VR/AR, VR/AR for Mission Design and Ops, and A View From the Industry and Tech Transfer.
All the presentations and panels have been posted on the symposium web site and on YouTube – all are worth checking out.  Here is the panel discussion on R/AR for Mission Design and Ops:


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